Why doesn't Monsanto serve ANY GMO products in its companies cafes? If its safe why won't you or your employees eat it?
Submitted by: admin
Expert response from Kelly Clauss
Global Communications Strategy Lead, IT, Bayer Crop Science
Monday, 23/09/2013 19:41
Monsanto's employees are served foods that contain ingredients from GM crops in our cafeteria every day. In fact, in August 2013, we held a sweet-corn recipe competition and featured special menu items that included GM sweet corn in our cafeteria.
I’d suggest you read our responses to similar questions on GMO Answers:
- If GMOs are so great, why does Monsanto serve organic produce in it's cafeteria?
- If GMO is so safe then why are Monsanto campuses 100% non-GMO and Organic. In other words why don't your own scientist eat your frankin-food. Seems to me pretty telling that if the guys that make this crud won't eat it then the general public probably shouldn't. Then there's the little problem of almost EVERY other nation on the planet has banned GMO. So why are you guys trying to push this crud on the American people?
If you still have questions after reading these responses, please ask.
Video: GMO Answers at SXSW