How many farmers have committed suicide because of your company? How many lab rats have tested positive for tumors after your 'safe' GMO's? Lastly, What do you think of the Monsanto Protection Act and all the bribery that goes with it? Please take time to answer my questions about your SAFE practices.
Submitted by: Cen Boogan
Expert response from Janice Person
Online Engagement Lead, Bayer Crop Science
Thursday, 19/09/2013 15:12
Thanks for your inquiry. Several different experts have posted responses to very similar questions on GMO Answers:
- Regarding farmer suicides: The UK’s Daily Mail reports that an estimated 125,000 farmers have committed suicide because of crop failure and massive debt since planting GM seeds. I have watched a tv show on this and was wondering how Monsanto feels about this. Its supposed to help farmers but it seems to be wiping out the little guy. Is this seem right?
- Regarding Séralini's study on lab rats: Have you reviewed the study showing that GMOs caused cancer in lab rats?
- Regarding the Farmer Assurance Provision: What is the “Monsanto Protection Act”?
Please take a look at these responses and let us know if you have any additional questions.