Can you please list the universities that have received funds from Monsanto and the other CBI members.
Submitted by: Veronica
Expert response from Mike Owen
University Professor, Associate Chair, Agronomy Department and Extension Weed Specialist, Faculty Senate Past President
Wednesday, 18/12/2013 16:02
I would say that Monsanto and most other CBI members interact with and likely provide support to public, land grant and private research universities. The information you are requesting in many cases is publically available. Iowa State University, for example, has a specific group called the Office of Sponsored Programsthat handles these arrangements with external organizations. I am confident other universities that interact with companies have similar organizations that can provide this information.
Regardless of funding support though, academics are guided first by their personal ethics to conduct and report unbiased research, as well as by the policies and processes developed by their respective university (Iowa State’s Research ethics policies are available online at:
Video: GMO Answers at SXSW