Ted Sheely
Board Member, Truth About Trade & Technology
Expert Bio
Ted Sheely operates Ted D. Sheely Farms - raising upland and pima cotton, tomatoes, wheat, pistachios, wine grapes and garlic - in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Ted served on the California Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors from 1989-1996. In addition to Farm Bureau, he has also served on the National Cotton Council Board of Directors. Currently, he is a member of the board of Directors for the Westlands Water District and was elected Chairman of the Board for Cotton Incorporated for 2008-2009. In 1999, Ted received the High Cotton Award from the Cotton Foundation / Farm Press. He has also been honored by the California Water Policy Conference with the Innovative Water Conservation Award.
Studies, Articles and Answers
Showing 2 out of 2 results
A: The industry is spending money to defeat legislation that is largely drafted out of misunderstanding and fear. Those pressing for this legislation in many cases are ultimately looking to ban a technology that we absolutely need to continue to feed our growing population at affordable prices using less inputs and less land. I’ve recently posted an article that addresses Prop 37, "Standing Up to the True Mission of the 'Just Label It' Crowd," on the Truth About Trade & Technology blog. A previous response on GMO Answers, available here, addresses the Connecticut labeling is [...]
GMOs in Groceries Health & Safety LabelingQuestion
A: The Whole Foods example is an interesting case. Clearly they are meeting a need for their audience. If you’ve shopped in Whole Foods, I think you’ll agree the clientele isn’t representative of the majority of America, and certainly not the growing global population that biotechnology promises to help feed. I’ve recently posted an article (included below) which addresses Whole Foods on the Truth About Trade & Technology blog, available here: http://www.truthabouttrade.org/2013/03/28/no-labeling-needed-when-consumers-know-the-whole-truth/. Following are excerpts: “Shop at [...]
GMOs in Groceries Health & Safety Labeling