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What is the averagetentative cost structure for seed growing and finishing for GMO corn and GMO soy in the US? The cost structure is required for seed, not the crop. Answers much appreciated in advance!

Submitted by: Govind


Expert response from Jennifer Schmidt

Maryland Farmer and Registered Dietician

Friday, 04/12/2015 10:05

Since we often grow for seed, our farm cost structure for seed production mirrors our cost structure for any identity preserved grain. The additional steps for identity preserved GMO or non-GMO seed (yes they both have to be protected) mirrors the production I outlined in my comparative blog. I cannot speak for the finishing costs past the farm gate but for us to grow seed, it must pass inspection by the agriculture department several times through the growing season and also pass the lab testing that the seed is true to the genetic traits (GM and non-GM) that we were asked to grow.


Expert response from Jennifer Schmidt

Maryland Farmer and Registered Dietician

Friday, 04/12/2015 10:05

Since we often grow for seed, our farm cost structure for seed production mirrors our cost structure for any identity preserved grain. The additional steps for identity preserved GMO or non-GMO seed (yes they both have to be protected) mirrors the production I outlined in my comparative blog. I cannot speak for the finishing costs past the farm gate but for us to grow seed, it must pass inspection by the agriculture department several times through the growing season and also pass the lab testing that the seed is true to the genetic traits (GM and non-GM) that we were asked to grow.