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How many CEOs and other Executives among the leading GMO producing corporations actually eat GMO food? This is not a yes or no question and it is not suitable to refer me to the FAQ or other questions similar as I have reviewed them. In short, how many put their money where their mouth is, that is, put their product in their mouth?

Submitted by: simple


Expert response from Ponsi Trivisvavet

Former President, Syngenta Seeds, inc.

Friday, 05/06/2015 13:25

Genetic engineering is an important process for breeding crops that are safe and provide important benefits for farmers and consumers around the world. I have personally been involved in this business for many years and have seen the success that both farmers in the U.S. and smallholder farmers in emerging nations are having with these crops. Since the first plantings in 1996, more than 4 billion acres of biotech crops have been successfully cultivated. In 2014 alone, biotech crops were planted in 28 countries by 18 million farmers, according to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA). Yes, my family and I have eaten many meals over this time that included ingredients from biotech crops and we will continue to enjoy the abundant and affordable foods these crops provide.


Expert response from Jodi Cohen

Former Global Communications Lead - Seeds, Bayer Crop Science

Friday, 05/06/2015 13:21

Thank you for your question. Our CEOs and executives are proud to eat food with ingredients derived from GMOs and serve it to their families. This is because they know that foods produced in whole or in part with biotechnology are as safe and nutritious as the same foods produced conventionally. In fact, the FDA has determined that “…there is no significant difference between foods produced using bio-engineering, as a class, and their conventional counterparts.”


“GM crops are extensively reviewed by governments and scientific experts to make sure they are safe for people, animals and the environment before they reach the market,” said Jim Blome, President and CEO, Bayer LP. “So, not only do I not have a problem eating GM food. I personally choose to serve it to my family and friends because GMOs contribute to better agriculture and food security, and help farmers secure the best quality and value for their farm investments.”


“The right to choose something that is better for the planet and the growing world population is not just a corporate global PR slogan for company executives,“ said Frank Terhorst, Global Head of Seeds, Bayer. “I also appreciate the importance of GM food and therefore personally choose to serve it to my friends and family. Biotechnology contributes to the demand for food, animal feed, fibers and fuel – and it’s our innovative and sustainable solutions that will make a better life for farmers and society as a whole.”


In addition, Bayer executives also understand that GM crops are essential to increase agricultural productivity in an environmentally friendly way, they are safe for human health and environment, and that GM is an important and future-oriented technology.


Expert response from Michiel van Lookeren Campagne

Former Head of Biology Research, Syngenta

Friday, 22/05/2015 12:40

As a molecular biologist working in industry, I have a passion for innovation that enables us to grow more food more with less inputs. I come to work every day to try and help bring breakthrough innovations into the hands of growers around the world that enable the sustainable intensification of their farms.


As a human being, I am also interested in contributing to making the world a better place, in which my children and my children’s children will have a future. For me this means that I should live a life that is congruent to those ideals. I personally believe that if we are to feed 9 billion people by 2050, we will also need to eat less meat, and drastically have to reduce food waste. I therefore switched to a vegetarian diet three years ago, and try to drastically reduce food waste at home. At the same time, I love to eat Syngenta’s sweet corn on the grill, relish fried tofu, and eat fresh papaya for breakfast. Oh and yes, these are all foods protected from pests, weeds and diseases by GM technology!


I have no desire to go back to the stone age, forsake all new technology and go live in a cave. I rather look forward to see how innovation and humanism can help us overcome some of the huge sustainability issues we face today.