Sara Miller
Global Communications & Corp Marketing Lead, Bayer Crop Science
Expert Bio
I’m a proud St. Louisan and young mom who is passionate about learning about agriculture and talking with people about all things food. My career has allowed me to have a much greater understanding of how my family’s food is grown and a huge respect for the farmers who make it all happen!
Studies, Articles and Answers
Showing 2 out of 2 results
A: The last major seed company purchases we made were back in 2005, which were the acquisition of our DeRuiter and Seminis vegetable seed companies. While many are quick to think of Monsanto as a biotech company, some may be surprised to know we also offer and are focused on innovation in conventional seeds as well. At the end of the day, our focus is simply on delivering a suite of choices for farmers. Regarding the second part of your question, innovation and competition are robust in the industry and have intensified in recent years. Monsanto¹s seed businesses compete with other multinat [...]
Business Practices GMOs & FarmersQuestion
A: This question was originally answered on 11/7/14. Please see below for an updated response to your question with new information. *Updated Response* Interestingly, there are many more than 1,000 separate seed companies that supply the many types of commercial seeds globally, and hundreds of seed companies that sell corn and soybean seed to American farmers. In fact, aggregate commercial sales by all seed companies account for about 40 percent of the total volume of seeds used globally. Of those commercial seed sales, two-thirds of the seed volume comes from private breeding program [...]