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Dr. Saturina Halos

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Q: Have you seen After 10 Years of Disaster, a documentary about Bt corn in the Phillipines ? Are you also familiar with the introduction of GE cotton in India and the resulting devastating effects ?

Answered By Dr. Saturina Halos - Jul 06, 2015

A: Moderator note: This question will be answered by in parts by multiple experts. This answer addresses claims about GM crops in the Philippines.   Here are some answers about farmer acceptance to GM corn and other socio-economic and environmental concerns about GM corn farming.            In the Philippines in 2013, 2.6 million hectares were planted almost equally to white and yellow corn varieties. GM yellow corn was planted to more than 700,000 hectares; more than half the area for yellow corn.         [...]

Answered By Dr. Saturina Halos - Jul 06, 2015

A: Moderator note: This question will be answered by in parts by multiple experts. This answer addresses claims about GM crops in the Philippines.   Here are some answers about farmer acceptance to GM corn and other socio-economic and environmental concerns about GM corn farming.            In the Philippines in 2013, 2.6 million hectares were planted almost equally to white and yellow corn varieties. GM yellow corn was planted to more than 700,000 hectares; more than half the area for yellow corn.         [...]

GMO Basics Health & Safety


Q: Have you seen After 10 Years of Disaster, a documentary about Bt corn in the Phillipines ? Are you also familiar with the introduction of GE cotton in India and the resulting devastating effects ?

Answered By Dr. Saturina Halos - Jul 06, 2015

A: Moderator note: This question will be answered by in parts by multiple experts. This answer addresses claims about GM crops in the Philippines.   Here are some answers about farmer acceptance to GM corn and other socio-economic and environmental concerns about GM corn farming.            In the Philippines in 2013, 2.6 million hectares were planted almost equally to white and yellow corn varieties. GM yellow corn was planted to more than 700,000 hectares; more than half the area for yellow corn.         [...]

Answered By Dr. Saturina Halos - Jul 06, 2015

A: Moderator note: This question will be answered by in parts by multiple experts. This answer addresses claims about GM crops in the Philippines.   Here are some answers about farmer acceptance to GM corn and other socio-economic and environmental concerns about GM corn farming.            In the Philippines in 2013, 2.6 million hectares were planted almost equally to white and yellow corn varieties. GM yellow corn was planted to more than 700,000 hectares; more than half the area for yellow corn.         [...]

GMO Basics Health & Safety