ARTICLE: If you're troubled by food waste, you should support GMOs

The following is an excerpt of a Letter to the Editor by Karri Hammerstrom to the Los Angeles Times in response to an article about food waste making the case for GMO's inclusion in the article. 

To the editor: Reading the article, "The food that goes bad in your fridge amounts to trillions of gallons of wasted water," I was disheartened about the sheer amount of wasted food and resources when so many are without any food at all. I was equally disappointed with the lack of solutions mentioned to combat waste.

The article reported that 39% of food waste comes from produce because of spoilage or "imperfections in appearance." This is not sustainable in a world with a growing population and finite resources.

Genetic modification has been developed to grow produce using less water as well as to retard bruising and retain freshness. We must leverage the innovation and technological advances that will allow us to produce more food without using more resources.

To read the entire blog post, please visit the Los Angeles Times.