ARTICLE: Grown Here at Home: GMOs in plants and their impact on your health

The following is an article on the webstie for televisoin channel WDBJ in Roanoke, Virginia, discussing the basics of GMOs

GMOs are a topic that's been sparking debates for quite some. But what are they?

“It stands for genetically modified organism. So it's anything that has been modified in a lab by humans,” said Kathleen Reed of the Virginia Cooperative Extension in Roanoke.

Kathleen says one reason plants are being modified is to allow farmers to spray less pesticides.

“But there's also a lot of things GMOs can be used for. Whether it's increasing drought tolerance of plants, especially now that our climate's changing. That's something that we need to think about, that not all plants are adapted well to growing.

“You also see plants that are going to grow more per acre, so they're going to produce more plants, which as we're increasing our world population we need to think of solutions for how we're going to be able to feed the 9 billion people that are expected to be on our planet in 2050,” she explained.

The main GMOs you'll see around these parts are corn and soybeans.

To read the entire article,along with a video, please visit the WDBJ-TV website