ARTICLE: Agriculture Experts Attempt to Dispel Myths, Inform Public on GMOs

The following is an excerpt of an article in the Badger Herald reporting on a panel of agricultural experts discussing GMOs.

University of Wisconsin students, faculty and community members gathered to discuss agriculture’s most controversial topic: genetically modified organisms and crops.

The University of Wisconsin Collegiate Farm Bureau hosted the “Yes or No GMO” panel. Industry professionals looked to educate and answer questions about GMOs at the Thursday event.

Jeff Endelman, an assistant professor in the Horticulture Department and principal investigator for the UW Potato Breeding Program said as GMOs become more popular, people’s perceptions will change and more people will see the health benefits they can have.

The panel discussed how GMO crops are used for insect repellent and drought resistance, which aids in producing better yields for feeding animals and selling for profit.

Heidi Kaeppler, an associate professor in the Department of Agronomy, said non-GMO products are equally as safe to consumers as products containing GMOs.

“Any type of plant breeding that people do could be considered genetically modified, which is why people who come from a scientific background don’t like it because it creates confusion,” Endelman said.

To read the entire article, please visit the Badger Herald website