Keeping My Farm Sustainable With GMO Crops

This post was originally published on Forbes on May 17, 2016.

Post written by Gene Stoel. Gene is a third generation Minnesota farmer and a U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance board member.

Pictured above are the grandchildren of third generation Minnesota farmer and U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) Board Member, Gene Stoel.
Gene says there is nothing more important than the legacy of leaving his land in better condition for his kids, and GMOs are helping his family farm continue for future generations. (Image Credit: Gene Stoel)

Improved habitat.

Less greenhouse gas emissions.

Higher quality water.

More precise use of fertilizer and pesticide.

More food to meet a growing demand.

The benefits listed above are what biotechnology, known to you as GMOs, can accomplish. It’s crucial for today’s farmers and ranchers to incorporate technology on their farming and ranching operations to remain and improve sustainable food production. GMOs allow farmers to fight insects and weeds more effectively and enhance soil health. Not only that, it takes less energy to grow a bushel of GMO corn or soybeans on my farm, and we’re able to increase production.

But the most important benefit of all is preventing hunger. I respect all production practices and believe organic farmers serve an important niche market, but biotechnology is ultimately a key element of addressing world hunger. There’s a reason more than 90 percent of America’s planted acres of corn, soybeans, and cotton are GMO crops. Beyond the benefits I mentioned, as a farmer who grows our food supply, simply stated I don’t want to be the one that chooses who eats and who doesn’t. If this technology was more widely accepted across the globe, we could begin to address hunger on our planet by growing corn and other staple food crops in the face of plant disease, pest infestations and limited resources.

GMOs are regulated by various agencies within the U.S. government, supported by the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association and even President Obama who said “biotechnology is an essential component of the solution to some of our planet’s most pressing agricultural problems” in a letter he wrote to Norman Borlaug’s granddaughter. Known as “Father of the Green Revolution,” Borlaug worked to alleviate hunger and malnutrition worldwide by breeding improved varieties of wheat and utilizing technology to move toward securing an ample food supply.

Prior to biotechnology’s introduction in the mid-1990s, agriculturalists were already using similar breeding concepts that today’s plant scientists practice, crossing different plants to pick the best soybean varieties and corn hybrids with higher yields, stronger performance in drought conditions and more resistance to various pests and weeds. With today’s technology, we’re able to look at the genome of the plant and find the best characteristics at the cellular level by identifying DNA that’s most beneficial to the plant. The crops we now plant and grow are better equipped to withstand drought, fight disease and increase productivity.

On our family farm started in 1928, there is nothing more important than the legacy of leaving my land in better condition for my kids and future generations. We grow 600 acres of corn and soybeans and invest in technology that provides measures to ensure we don’t overspray or overplant. We apply just the right amount of crop inputs we need, if and when we need it. Using resources responsibly is important to all farmers and ranchers.

Before GMOs on our farm, we used to worry about insects attacking the corn stalks which caused them to fall over. But with this technology behind the seed, our livelihood is more protected because the crops are able to fend off these insects, the corn stands better making harvest more efficient, and we can provide a more robust supply to meet our customer’s growing demands.

Without this technology, farmers were often faced with management decisions that could potentially impact multiple environmental aspects of our local habitat. Our production practices (the way we raise our crops) are on a long path of continuous improvement. We work to positively impact the air we breathe, the water we drink, and as significantly, the soil we manage. Genetically enhanced seeds have at least one powerful and undeniable benefit – we have better soil. We till our soil less, and with less tillage comes less chance that rain, or even wind will move soil from our fields to a stream or lake. When soil moves, so do the nutrients that are attached. It’s not inherently obvious to many outside of farming that we work to reduce the number of times we turn the soil, but we do. Truly, it is a core component of success on the quest to increasingly produce our food in a sustainable manner.

Consumers’ needs and concerns play a large role in how farmers run their businesses. I encourage people who have questions or concerns about their food supply to find a means of speaking directly with farmers and ranchers who grow the food they consume.